fredag, april 06, 2007

Sheik Talks About Animals Having Sex

Man vill inte ens fundera över varför han har sökt på ord som sex och djur på internet. Men man vet ju att sökningar av den typen, görs mestadels från muslimska länder.
Western Resistance

If you click on the following links, you can see the data for yourself. In all of the following categories of bestiality, Pakistan was top of the list of Google searches for:
Pig Sex, with Egypt (no 2) and Saudi Arabia (no 3) following.
Donkey Sex, with India (no 2), Iran (no 3) and Saudi Arabia (no 4) following.
Dog Sex, with India (no 2), and Saudi Arabia (no 3)
Cat Sex (!!!), with Iran (no 2), Egypt (no 3) and Saudi Arabia (no 4) following.
Horse Sex, followed by India (no 2) and Turkey (no 3)
Cow Sex, with Iran (no 2), India (no 3) and Saudi Arabia (no 4) following.
Goat Sex, with India (no 2) and New Zealand (no 3) following
Animal Sex, with Morocco (no 2), India (no 3), Iran (no 4), Egypt (no 5)

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